Community discussions
grounded in texts
The MHC Discussion Project offers comprehensive support to individuals and organizations all over Maine who want to convene members of their community to discuss things that matter to them.
Whether the people in a group are linked by their work, their place, or their lived experience, every project is intended to foster real communication and connection among participants through listening and being listened to. Every project’s discussions are grounded in the group’s engagement with a compelling text or set of texts. And every project is created with the needs of the people and community who are gathering in mind—so every project is unique.
“The ability to connect with others over a book is incredible. It has the potential to take hold and create change.”
How IT Works
Every Discussion Project gathers a group of people to discuss a book or text they have all read.
Who will you convene?
Any individual or organization in Maine can apply to host a text-based discussion.

Join a Discussion
Project Coordinator Toolkit
Everything you need to help you convene your community for a Discussion Project.
Facilitator Toolkit
Resources, forms, and links to support our Discussion Project facilitators

We train and support a cohort of facilitators who live all over Maine.
Our Discussion Project facilitators are people who love to engage with books, poems, and big ideas, and who are eager to discuss them with the incredible people who live in our state.
Maine Humanities facilitators come to us from all walks of life, with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of professional and personal experiences. Their work is vital to realizing our vision of the communities of Maine transformed by the pleasure and power of ideas.
Facilitating Discussion Projects is flexible, paid, contract work. We provide ongoing training, mentorship, and support for our facilitators, and the chance to connect with others in our state-wide network of facilitators.
We are not currently accepting applications to join our facilitator cohort. Please check back in fall 2025.