Wishing Season

A moving middle grade story by Anica Mrose Rissi about the enduring bond between twins: Anders, who has recently died, and Lily, who has to balance her grief and confusion with a brother who isn’t quite gone—and how to navigate a world that is moving forward without him.

Of course Anders wasn’t lonely in the afterlife. He still, like always, had Lily.

Lily doesn’t believe in making wishes. Not anymore. Not since Anders died.

Wishes can’t fix the terrible thing that happened. Wishing won’t change how it feels. But Lily does believe in the impossible. She has a secret so extraordinary, so magical, no one would believe that it’s true. No one except Anders, of course. Nothing about this summer is turning out how Lily would have wished. But wishes, like seasons, can change.Wishing Season is the middle grade selection for Read ME 2025.

Building a small-town atmosphere via a frank third-person narration and concrete, considered prose, Rissi builds an empathetic voice that cradles Lily’s grieving process and experience of change.”

—Publisher’s Weekly


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